鈴の音のする男 En


Documentary / Japan

Good Luck Charm

Directed by Atiqa Kawakami


An interview​ with Urataro Azumaya and a glimpse into rokyoku as a living, breat​h​ing traditional Japanese performance art. This short documentary film is a ​5-part series assembling footage taken at the Mokuba​tei Arts and Culture Ce​nter, at the Daimaru Shinsaibashi Theatre in Osaka, and at Sunny, a local coffee shop in Asakusa, the center of old Edo.
Having entered the world of rokyoku at the age of 13, Urataro is the last of his generation—a generation of performers familiar with the performing art’s golden era. Interspersed with his reminiscences on lost loves, reflections on his wavering between rokyoku and more popular styles of music at the time, and explanations of the technical aspects of rokyoku are moments from ​his ​powerful performances.

Cast & Crew

Uratro Azumaya – Rokyoku Singer
Apprenticed to the great Rakuura Azumaya at the age of 13, Urataro made his television debut in 1955 as a rokyoku prodigy. After releasing a series of records in the genres of both rokyoku and popular music, he received a prestigious award from Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs in 1987. In 1995, he took on the name Urataro upon his predecessor’s retirement. Having performed for over 60 years now, he ​​continues to impress his audiences with his exceptional vocal range, unique talent and engaging personality.

Toyoko Sawamura – Shamisen Player 
Toyoko was born in Fukuoka and was made famous through her radio appearances. Upon discovering her natural talent for music, Sessyu Tsukuda, a rokyoku performer visiting Kyushu, invited Toyoko to become a shamisen player for the rokyoku theatre in Tokyo. There, she studied under Tsuyako Yamamoto. After finishing her apprenticeship, she attended rokyoku classes organized by Tadashi Kunitomo and performed as a shamisen player for him for almost three decades. The late Takeharu Kunimoto, Toyoko’s artistic partner from 2001 to 2015, praised her for improvisational technique and depth of expression. Currently, she plays for Nanafuku Tamagawa and many other performers. She is one of the greatest master shamisen players in the history of rokyoku.

Direction, filmed and edited by
Atiqa Kawakami
​Atiqa was​ born in Yokohama. ​Her first documentary film​ Pilgrimage​ told the story of Mitsuo Futatsuki, a Japanese American Nisei revisiting the site of the concentration camp where he was held during World War​ ​Ⅱ. This film, which she released under the name Noriko Kawakami, was awarded the Kirin Art Award in 2001. In 2015, her documentary film Minatoya Koryu In-Tune, which introduces audiences to one of the greatest living female rokyoku performers, was released in theaters. Currently, ​as a director and as a producer, she is working on​ various projects including​ “Provoke”,​ a film about the poet, singer, and painter artist Kazuki Tomokawa​, and​ “Hibiki” with the French filmmaker Vincent Moon. (http://hibikiproject.com/

Acoustics engineered by 
Takaaki Yamamoto
Takaaki was born in Shizuoka and has had a prolific career as a sound technician and sound engineer. His previous work includes Masanori Tominaga’s “Vengeance Can Wait and Rolling”, Tetsuaki Matsue’s “Live Tape” and “Flashback Memories 3D”, Yu Irie’s “SR: Saitama no Rapper” series, Michio Koshikawa’s “Areno”, and Koji Shiraishi’s “Vauxhall Rideshow”.





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Related Links

日本浪曲協会 http://rokyoku.or.jp/



Documentary / Japan


Directed by Atiqa Kawakami


浅草の喫茶店サニーで行われた東家浦太郎の浪曲人生の語りに、2016年1月に大阪の大丸心斎橋劇場、次いで2月に浅草の木馬亭で開かれた公演の映像を織り交ぜ、全5話で構成された短編ドキュメンタリー。天才浪曲少年として13歳からそのキャリアを築いてきた浦太郎は浪曲の全盛期を良く知る貴重な最後の世代。旅回りでの恋の思い出、浪曲と歌謡曲の間で揺れた時代、浪曲師の技と独創性、話題が変わるごとに溢れ出す様々な節の実演には、若い頃、節真似が得意であることから通称「節のデパート」の異名を取った姿が浮かび上がる。 回を重ねるごとに人生の語りは迫力の公演映像へと展開し、物語は盛り上がりを見せて行く。舞台を降りれば、とても剽軽で茶目っ気のある浦太郎の人柄と下町の風情が残る浅草の喫茶店の様子が映像に花を添えている。

Cast & Crew

東家浦太郎 | Uratro Azumaya
沢村豊子 | Toyoko Sawamura 
川上アチカ | Atiqa Kawakami
横浜出身。初監督作である、日系アメリカ人の強制収容経験を扱ったドキュメンタリー映画『Pilgrimage』にてキリンアートアワード2001 準優秀賞を受賞(川上紀子名義)。以来、フリーの映像作家としてドキュメンタリー、音楽家とのコラボレーション、ウエブCM、映画メイキング等、幅広く制作。40年近くを旅芸人として生きた天才浪曲師港家小柳の舞台を記録した『港家小柳IN-TUNE』が2015年に劇場公開。現在は、詩人、歌手、画家など様々な分野で魅力的な表現を続ける友川カズキのアルバムレコーディングを記録した『PROVOKE』が編集段階を迎えており、フランス人映画監督Vincent Moonと制作を予定しているプロジェクト『響』(http://hibikiproject.com/)など、プロデューサーとしてもその活動の幅を広げている。
山本タカアキ | Takaaki Yamamoto
静岡県出身。録音技師、スタジオエンジニア、サウンドエンジニア。冨永昌敬監督『乱暴と待機』『ローリング』、松江哲明監督『ライブテープ』『フラッシュバックメモリーズ3D』、入江悠監督『SR サイタマノラッパー』シリーズ、越川道夫監督『アレノ』、白石晃士監督『ボクソール★ライドショー』などに参加。






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Related Links

日本浪曲協会 http://rokyoku.or.jp/